Perks from your pets: Huge Perks with making The Year of the Rat your friend!

Welcome to the new year of 2020! Want to MAKE your own “luck”? YOU CAN by making plans that have you letting go of “things” and “thinking” that no longer serve you and planning each step to a well-intended realistic goal. CHANGE is the BIG theme of this new year. My new year is the Lunar New Year the Chinese celebrate and is also called the Spring Festival.  The New Year of the White Metal Rat begins on January 24 here in the “West” and January 25 in the “East” until February 8th full moon day! This article is to give you a bit of info on the Rat…some perks, meanings, personality, with NO forecasting.

Perks from Your Pets: Messages from Rainbows

The upcoming winter season is the time for rest, sleep, and for some fur folks it is the time to go into the rainbow of love, to go “home”. Energetically speaking, it is the time for many to complete their time here on earth and go home to total love and being. Winter is the time when crossing over and going home is easy for those fur loves who have given their purpose here with us to the very max.

Perks from your pets! The gift of stress management.

Are you constantly stressed, drained, “on the edge”? Would you rather be more energetic, relaxed, focused, patient? All those qualities that keep your being full of life, not running on “empty”?

Watch your pets, see how they take time to re-fuel, relax, regenerate. All animals (both domestic and wild) naturally rest after eating, exercise, serving your and their needs. They simply re-fuel if given the safe space by their living situation and their person.

Animals as “mirrors”.

Many of our fur folks are indeed reflecting our own personalities, strengths, weakness, and environments. They are true mirrors to both our daily and deep soul needs and desires.

Personally, I am communicating with more and more animals that are clear reflections of their people. For myself, I had (and still experience!) a wonderful cat named Rocky who was my teacher and mirror for many things. Mirror animals both show and absorb who we are! For instance, I had a tooth issue with some inflamed gum areas that was causing a great deal of discomfort. Rocky cat went in for an acupuncture session and with a general physical exam, it was found that he too had the same area inflamed and had to have the tooth removed. Totally reflecting my “issue” in the physical.

The Power of Pine!

Earlier this year, I enjoyed soaking up the energies of nature in Cambria, CA (That’s me by a very wise Montery Pine)! Takes a lot of energy to “shift”…and shift has happened bringing my new business Chi-Lightful to life. I reach for Pine when I need a boost. It is an essence for both fur and non fur people to use to boost self acceptance, release of self-criticism (…ie: “Why the heck have I not done this biz for years already”…for animals…trying toooo hard in agility, skills, etc…relax already!), and freedom to move forward. Find your flow with Pine!

Get into Flow with California Gold

It’s the start of summer…Poppies are blooming! I call this time the California Gold Rush…Poppies are the “essence of True Gold”!
The little native CA wildflower has the healing essence that Native Americans used to relieve headaches, toothaches and as an aid for sleep. Now for animals and people some of it’s “essence” qualities helps in calming anxiety and giving one confidence to be the “who” they are!

The little ones DO mesmerize and amaze

Are you under the spell of a new little fur life? Springtime energy is flowing from all the little new fur folks coming into the world. Kitten and puppy season is in full swing. With this new life comes endless energy, the “chi” of play and discovery. For the little ones, play is the way they not only develop their bodies, it is the way they learn about their environment, their homes, their people.


Holiday time is a speedy wonderful and magical ride filled with all sorts of goodies, warm hugs, all topped with a “dash” of stress. For our fur folks it can be a time of major change, bewildering travel, or lonely separation from their people. Opportunities to sample some pretty unhealthy holiday “people” goodies, tree ornaments, stocking stuffers, exotic plants, and sprinkled with visiting strangers to their kingdoms.


What could be more positive and unconditional than the love your pet shows you? An animal (just like a person) is operating by and from birth with its original positive nature, knowing that all is good in every way. For an animal “no” actually means a big “yes”. They do not understand the negative side of things until a person connects the word to an abusive action, temper, or physical anger that is targeted toward the animal when an animal shows an unwanted behavior.

Find out HOW to maximize your fur folk’s and your energy by boosting your home’s vitality with easy Feng Shui “moves”…pick up my book “Fur ShuiTM” at Amazon: Fur Shui Amazon

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